Welcome to the resources page! All of these resources have been put together by the CSMHC team for people in need. If you’re looking for direction towards becoming a better ally, check out our allies space. If you feel like there is another resource that should be here, email us at contact@mg.csmhcillinois.com with the relevant information.

Suggested Mental Health Resources:

  1. Dean of Students Office- A catch-all for general issues. Reach out to them for helping you advocate for yourself with staff, faculty, students, and other organizations on campus. Website: https://odos.illinois.edu/

  2. Counseling Center - The UIUC Counseling Center is committed to providing a range of resources intended to help students develop improved coping skills to address emotional, interpersonal, and academic concerns. Website: https://www.counselingcenter.illinois.edu/

  3. Women’s Resource Center- A completely no-strings-attached*, anonymous resource center for women with a wide variety of resources. Website: https://oiir.illinois.edu/womens-center
    *The WRC has 4 confidential advisors not mandated to report to the Title IX office. Pursuing accountability/safety options requires a report to the Title IX Coordinator in a survivor-led, well-informed, guided manner. More info at https://wecare.illinois.edu/faq/employees/ and at https://wecare.illinois.edu/policies/terms/#advisor.

  4. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Call 800-273-TALK (8255) to speak with a trained crisis counselor.

  5. Crisis Text Line – Text 741-741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor to receive crisis support via text message.

  6. Champaign-Urbana Crisis Line This is similar to the national crisis line but specifically for those in the local area. This one is especially useful in that a crisis counselor can help you access local resources or help.

  7. You can also call 911 if the crisis is a life-threatening emergency. Make sure to notify the operator that it is a psychiatric emergency and ask for an officer trained in crisis intervention or trained to assist people experiencing a psychiatric emergency.

  8. National Domestic Violence Hotline – Call 800-799-SAFE (7233) to speak with trained experts who provide confidential support to anyone experiencing domestic violence or seeking resources and information.

  9. National Sexual Assault Hotline – Call 800-656-HOPE (4673) to connect with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area that offers access to a range of free services. Crisis chat support is also available at Online Hotline.

  10. Disaster Distress Helpline- Call 1-800-985-5990 or text “TalkWithUs” to 66746. The disaster distress helpline provides immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster. The helpline is free, multilingual, confidential, and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  11. Rosecrance Substance/Mental Health Helpline- Call 1-866-330-8729. This group does mental health triage at hospitals and offers partial hospitalization, mental health recovery services, and recovery living. They also have substance abuse centers (with one located in Champaign).

  12. Social Media Support - If you are worried about someone on social media, you can contact the safety team on various social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and Periscope) to ensure that they are connected with the help they need Support on Social Media.

Additional List of Mental Health Resources:


  1. Telehelp (online counseling for students with United Healthcare)
    Website: http://telehelp4students.com

  2. Counseling Center
    Website: https://counselingcenter.illinois.edu/counseling
    Phone: (217) 333-3704

  3. UIUC Psychology Department’s List of Covid-19 Mental Health Resources
    Google Docs: link

  4. DRES Mental Health Resources
    Website: http://disability.illinois.edu/health/mental-health-resources
    Phone: (217) 333-1970

  5. McKinley Health Center Mental Health
    Website: https://mckinley.illinois.edu/medical-services/mental-health
    Appointments (schedule by phone): (217) 333-2701
    Emergency: (217) 359-4141

  6. Psychological Services Center
    Website: http://psc.illinois.edu/
    Phone: (217) 333-0041

  7. Campus Well-Being Services
    Website: http://humanresources.illinois.edu/campus-wellbeing-services/about.html
    Phone (217) 265-9355

Engineering/LAS/Computer Science-specific

  1. Computer Science Advising
    Website: https://cs.illinois.edu/academics/undergraduate/undergraduate-advising
    Phone: (217) 333-4428

  2. College of Engineering Embedded Counselor: Juvenal George
    Contact: juvegeor@illinois.edu

  3. College of LAS Embedded Counselor: Andy Novinska
    Contact: anovinsk@illinois.edu

  4. College of Engineering Weekly DRES Office Hour Counselor: Rachel Green, DRES
    Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30 pm (30-minute appointments) in 206 Engineering Hall
    Appointments: To schedule an appointment, contact Kyra Lochelle (lochelle@illinois.edu)

You can find the complete list of Embedded Counselors at https://counselingcenter.illinois.edu/about-us/embedded-counselors


  1. 24/7 Champaign-Urbana Crisis Helpline
    Phone: (217) 359-4141

  2. Rosecrance Mental Health Services
    Website: https://rosecrance.org
    Phone: (866) 330-8729

  3. Illinois WarmLine
    Website: http://illinoismentalhealthcollaborative.com
    Phone: (866) 359-7953

Faculty/Staff Resources

  1. Faculty/Staff Assistance Services
    Website: https://humanresources.illinois.edu/fsas/
    Phone: (217) 244-5312
    Email: fsas@illinois.edu

Other Important Resources:

Academic Resources

  1. Grainger CARE (Center for Academic Resources In Engineering) Website: https://students.grainger.illinois.edu/care/home/ Phone: (217) 244-2678 Email: engr-care@illinois.edu

And as always, if you need to, contact us via email or social media and we’d be happy to chat with you about your troubles and your triumphs, or if you just need a buddy :D


-The CSMHC team